Kamis, 31 Maret 2011

recount text

One day in a village. Early morning the little family was break feast. Than after that, the father delivered a child him goes to school, where the children studied.
He is a naughty children. At a time after finish learned at school, his father waiting in front of. But His Son don’t attend. He had penetrated. The father busy found and try answer security, after words his father straight him found.  Any Where father search, that Son can’t founded.
In irrigation rivers, where’s the place that is famous eerie. The Son was passionate play, than A Old Man said for don’t in there. Because this place is dangerous. The announcement old Man not note take by  Son. After that , the child dart away in to the river and brought river flow. The society in there said that in river have onggo-inggi. Onggo-inggi similar to a women with long-haired. She is asked sacrifice one-year ones.

Senin, 14 Maret 2011


Membuat paragraf narative yang terdapat noun dan noun caluse

Every morning, I get up 5 o’clock than I take abathvin bathroom. Aftre that I breakfeast friedrice, what I do every morning is my dialy activity. Than I go to by motor cycle. Where I study there. It’s time I go home. Where I live in my home sweet home.

Red :>>> Noun
Blue :>>> Nuon clause

tugas structure 1